One certificate course

3-4 hours study time

$395 (GST included)

Bid writing
Step-by-step process to answer tender questions clearly, concisely, compliantly and compellingly.
Break down the complexities of tender writing with a proven framework for a winning response.
The Tender Writing Certificate is focused on the skills and capabilities to improve your tender writing.
It follows a step-by-step approach to:
- Understand what the question is asking
- Address the requirements
- Write clear and compelling content.
Includes engaging videos and instruction from a tender writing expert to help you write with confidence.


Tender Writing

Certificate of
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Learn more about the certificate
The Tender Writing Certificate is designed for those people who write tender responses.
It will give you the confidence to understand what a typical tender question is asking, and how best to respond to it.
It will teach you how to capture the key elements required for a winning tender response.
The Tender Writing Certificate is suited to professionals in a wide variety of roles, and is applicable to multiple industries.
If you are new to tenders, we recommend the Tender Fundamentals Certificates 1 and 2 as prior learning.

Instant Online Access

Support while you study

Engaging videos and animations

12 months course access

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We make it easy to study online
Tenders are tricky enough, so we made it easy to access our online training courses.
Follow these three steps to upskill now.

Step 1. Select
Decide which course is best for you - or we can help you with this.

Step 2. Enrol
Enrol and purchase the course, and create your account on our website.

Step 3. Study
Log into your account and access your tender training course.

Awesome online course with great animations that break up the reading. Easy to grasp information and all topics explained thoroughly for good understanding. The printable course format also helps a lot for future reference.
Would definitely use again for another cert.
Wayne N, Queensland

Great short course which I'm confident will prove to be very useful in the future!
Paula Barras

Will be applying the skills I learnt directly to my tender writing. Thank you.
David Murray

Using a tender writing checklist, the course will cover how to plan, develop and write an answer to a tender question.
You will be guided through an example tender question to ensure the response answers the question, is compliant, offers value for money and is written persuasively.
The course has four modules:
Module 1: Plan a complete response
- Analyse the question to understand what it is asking
- Identify all parts of the question to answer it completely
- Overcome common difficulties with tender questions.
Module 2: Develop a compliant response
- Identify relevant tender requirements and show how you will meet them
- Identify relevant evaluation criteria and apply them to the question.
Module 3: Structure a comprehensive response
- Design a response using a clear structure
- Write a strong introduction with a direct answer
- Provide the detail to answer comprehensively
- Create order and flow of information.
- Write for a wide-ranging audience.
Module 4: Write a compelling response
- Learn how to demonstrate and substantiate, and communicate benefits
- Create easy-to-read sentences
- Use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
- Identify relevant tender requirements and show how you will meet them
- Identify relevant evaluation criteria and apply them to the question.
Frequently Asked Questions.

How long will it take me to complete?
You can complete the Tender Writing Certificate at your own pace. You have 12 months to complete the course.
Typically, it takes between 3-4 hours to complete all four modules.
The length of time required to complete the course may vary depending on your skill level, your previous experience and level of computer literacy.

How do I access the course?
Once you buy and enrol in the course, you will receive an email with your log-in details to access to the course.
The Tender Writing Certificate is delivered online via the Tender Training College’s e-learning system. You will require an Internet connection and speakers to complete the course.
You can access this at any time, and stop and start the certificate as you like.

Is there an assessment or exam?
Our competency based training and assessments means you will be tested on your knowledge throughout each module.
This means the learnings from the Tender Writing Certificate are embedded, and you become more efficient and effective at writing tender responses.
You will complete a Final Assessment at the end of the course. A certificate will be awarded at the completion of the course and when you gain an 80% pass in the Final Assessment.

Are there any prior learning requirements?
Tender Fundamentals Certificates 1 and 2 as prior learning – you purchase these with the Tender Writing Certificate as a package at the checkout and save.

- Downloadable training notes
- Tender writing checklist
- Certificate of achievement
- Immediate access.
Course cost: $395 inc GST
Study time: 3-4 hours
Download Tender Writing Certificate
Learn more about this certificate